Modern privacy regulations are forcing organizations to rethink how they handle data. While the lines are being blurred between Data Security and Data Privacy, many are realizing these lines were imaginary, to begin with, and that Security and Privacy are really two sides of the same coin.
Whether you’re new to the subject or a long-time vet, explore Stealthbits’ Privacy Portal and the blogs, whitepapers, infographics, executive briefs, and other resources contained within it to broaden and deepen your knowledge on what it means to be secure and compliant.
Stored in virtually every possible data format across virtually every conceivable location, Personally Identifiable Information (PII) continues to be specifically targeted and easily exfiltrated by attackers, resulting in the compromised identities of millions of individuals around the world, trillions of dollars in loss, and thus, the rise of data privacy regulations like the EU GDPR and CCPA.
Today, improper handling and use of consumer data come with stiff penalties that undoubtedly affect an organization’s bottom line. However, among the myriad requirements set forth by each regulatory body, the ability to locate, secure, and manage consumer (and non-consumer) data remains among the most challenging of tasks, requiring stable processes and specialized technologies if organizations are truly meet expectations.
Understand the key concepts, major regulations, and best practices you’ll need to employ to achieve compliance on your road to data security and privacy mastery.
Data Subject Access Requests (DSARs) can be fulfilled by authorized employees using a simple search from inside StealthAUDIT within minutes
Data Subject Access Requests (DSARs) can be fulfilled by authorized employees using a simple search from inside StealthAUDIT within minutes
Stealthbits combines our industry-leading data discovery and classification technology with Identity Connectors for all major identity platforms to create a high-speed identity index that provides comprehensive search results in minutes
Stealthbits believes the security of your data is more than just understanding who has access to it. Data security relies on the security of Active Directory. The security of Active Directory relies on the security of the desktop and server infrastructure AD is most commonly compromised from.
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