Netwrix Enterprise Auditor (formerly StealthAUDIT) 11.6 has been released LEARN MORE


Typical data access governance methods leave backdoor access open. Stealthbits’ privacy-embedded approach ensures appropriate access governance and removes hidden vulnerabilities for heightened security, while facilitating critical data privacy processes.

Stealthbits provides the technology and the know-how to address data privacy and data security simultaneously, helping to facilitate critical data privacy workflows and processes, while also implementing effective controls that mitigate the risk of credential and data compromise.

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    Why is data privacy such a challenge?

    In 2021, properly securing data to ensure privacy remains among the most challenging of tasks for cybersecurity teams at organizations of any size. Stealthbits believes the security of your data is more than just understanding who has access to it. Data security relies on the security of Active Directory. The security of Active Directory relies on the security of the desktop and server infrastructure and is most commonly compromised from.

    Stealthbits is the only provider that addresses each layer of the stack.

    Stealthbits’ Data Security & Privacy Solution

    Driven by a multi-layered approach to data security and a contextual, scalable IdentityIndex™

    Leveraging an identity-centric view into subject data contained within virtually any data repository, Stealthbits addresses privacy requirements and security threats at the data, directory, and system layers of an organization’s hybrid IT infrastructure.

    Data Discovery

    Identify where data subject information resides. StealthAUDIT’s AnyID Connector integrates with third-party systems to extract a list of data subjects.

    Subject Access Requests

    Deliver subject data to the business to act on and remediate in accordance with desired workflows and procedures.

    Privacy by Design

    Implement a least privilege model to reduce risk and maintain compliance.

    Breach Detection & Response

    Mitigate, prevent, detect, and respond to advanced threats to credentials and sensitive data in real-time.

    “Fulfills the need for data security, protecting sensitive data, and auditing file activity.”

    Director of Infrastructure & Security in the Finance Industry

    5 out of 5

    Powerful Data Access Governance Software

    Explore our product offerings to learn about their robust features and functions, including sensitive data discovery and data classification, automated governance workflows, real-time threat detection, privileged activity management, and more!


    Automate reporting and governance across dozens of platforms including File Systems, SharePoint, O365, Dropbox, Box, Exchange, SQL, Oracle, and more.


    Detect and respond to unusual file access and activity which could indicate insider threats or advanced account takeover attacks using user behavior analytics.

    Stealthbits Privileged Activity Manager®

    Secure, control, monitor, manage, and remove privileged access rights using SbPAM’s task-based approach delivered just-in-time and with just-enough privileges.

    See how Stealthbits’ privacy-embedded approach ensures appropriate access governance and removes hidden vulnerabilities for heightened security, ensuring data privacy.

    It only takes 30 minutes!

    Why Stealthbits for Data Privacy?

    A pioneer in the Data Access Governance space for over a decade and innovator in the Privileged Access Management space, Stealthbits provides the technology and the know-how to address data privacy and data security simultaneously and is the only Data Privacy solution provider capable of addressing all three aspects of protecting your data, credentials and systems.

    © 2022 Stealthbits Technologies, Inc.