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Data Governance in the Cloud

On premise data access governance is fairly well understood, if not trivial:

  • Identify where sensitive data resides
  • Collect data from the two places access is granted – Active Directory (Group Grants) and File Shares/SharePoint (Permissions)
  • Correlate the two data sets to identify users with effective access to each folder, especially those housing sensitive data
  • Identify the probable owner of each folder (which may require additional data collection)
  • Build a workflow to enable self-serve access requests and access certification by data owners

Moving data to the Cloud doesn’t eliminate any of this. Companies still need to know – for sensitive data, especially – who has access to what data, what data each employee has access to, and who owns the decision about who needs access to the data. We’ll show you how to accomplish this in this free Executive Brief.

    Get the executive brief


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