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Be prepared for the CCPA release in 2020

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    The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 was signed into law on September 23rd, 2018 and goes into effect on January 1st, 2020. This act grants California Residents the right to know what personal information is being collected about them, who has that information, who is selling it, and the ability to prevent that sale. Any company doing business in California that processes personal information, sells personal information, and is over a certain size will be required to adhere to the constraints of the act or face fines, sanctions, or lawsuits.


    In order to comply with the CCPA, organizations need to understand where all user personal information is, as well as the audit trail and access of that content. Stealthbits can help identify and automate the control and governance needed.


    Part of the requirements of the CCPA involve support for identification of personal information within an organizations content repositories. This means understanding where all personal information tied to a California resident may exist as well as understanding who can and has accessed this content; not only for content oversight and control, but to support any private information requests a resident may have. Other solutions that have prepared you GDPR may not be comprehensive enough as the CCPA covers additional areas – Stealthbits provides solutions for both to not only discovery data repositories, but also identify what data is sensitive and report on access and usage.


    We don’t just stop at reporting. Stealthbits provides flexible workflows to control and remediate issues that may lead to compliance violations. Our solutions will identify the business owners of personal information, and allow them to run an access certification program to ensure data access and use is in line with appropriate business needs. Our solutions can also monitor privileged users to ensure they are not using their rights to access sensitive data. All these automated controls allow organizations to ensure that compliance guidelines are not circumvented.

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