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How to Implement Stealthbits Access Library Connectors

Blog >How to Implement Stealthbits Access Library Connectors

With the advent of the Stealthbits Access Library, today we are going to have a quick Protip in the form of how to best implement these connectors and what the little “gotchas” might actually be.

Obtaining Access Library Connectors

First, let’s talk about getting the modules downloaded correctly.

On the Stealthbits homepage, there is a “LOGIN” option in the upper-right of the screen:

Make sure to login with the credentials provided to you by Stealthbits! If you don’t have any please let us know as soon as possible!

Once logged in that link turns to “RESOURCE”, and our Access Library is right there!

In the Access Library Downloads section, choose the Connector most appropriate to your needs and click the “Download” icon. You should have a zip file now! This zip file contains everything we will need to get the Access Library setup.

PROTIP: Create a folder in the StealthAUDIT hierarchy for each Access Library module you want. It isn’t completely necessary, but it does make the process of configuring jobs easier in the future. You can do this by right-clicking on the “Jobs” node in the hierarchy and choosing to “Create Group”. Once created you should click on the new group and choose “Explore Folder”.

Once the folder has been made, the module downloaded, and the module extracted, double-check to make sure it wasn’t blocked on your machine. Right-click, look at the properties and see if there’s a button to Unblock. You should also check to make sure nothing is marked as “Read-only”. If it is, let’s turn that off to ensure this can work with StealthAUDIT.

Once done, copy that folder from the extract into the newly created folder within StealthAUDIT. Once complete, you are ready to follow the How-to instructions to ensure you set up that connector appropriately for your platform!

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