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Posts by Latesha Lynch

Home >Latesha Lynch
Latesha Lynch began her career working on VoIP technology, distributed antenna systems (DAS), and voice biometrics before delving into application and data security. Latesha can be found on Twitter @lateshalynch.

Restructuring Permissions to Achieve a Least Privilege Access Model

Part 5: Restructuring Permissions to Achieve a Least Privilege Access Model In part 4 of this 5-part blog series, ‘Moving from Checkbox Compliance to True Data Security,’ we discussed why it’s important to monitor file share activity before you begin to take any action so you can get a full understanding of: Who is leveraging their […]

Monitoring Sensitive Data Activity and Identifying Data Owners

If you’ve been following along in this 5-part Checkbox Compliance to True Data Security series, you should have a better understanding of how to locate your data, pinpoint which data is considered sensitive or risky to your organization, and compile a priority list of the sensitive data you’ll want to govern first. You may be […]

Collect and Analyze Relevant Data Points to Assess Risk

As the amount of data managed by companies continues to grow both in volume and importance, so does the criticality of ensuring access to this data is controlled. In part 1 of this 5-part ‘Checkbox Compliance to True Data Security’ blog series, we took you through the Discovery process. Now that you know your organization’s […]

Prioritizing Data Access Governance Initiatives Through Discovery

Despite the prevalence of data breaches, Data Access Governance (DAG) is still security’s big unaddressed to-do item. In the first blog post of this 5-part Checkbox Compliance to True Data Security blog series, we discussed how DAG is a crucial aspect of security for companies because it is the last line of defense against theft of an […]

Moving from Checkbox Compliance to True Data Security

Organizations are shifting their focus to a core set of principles around protecting their credentials and data, but they struggle with a starting point. In this 5-part ‘Checkbox Compliance to True Data Security’ blog series, we will provide a foundational blueprint. The series will cover an overview of Data Access Governance (DAG) and introduce the […]



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