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Posts by Farrah Gamboa

Home >Farrah Gamboa
Farrah Gamboa is a Director of Technical Product Management at Stealthbits - now part of Netwrix. She is responsible for building and delivering on the roadmap of Stealthbits products and solutions. Since joining Stealthbits in 2012, Farrah has held multiple technical roles, including Scrum Master and Quality Assurance Manager. Farrah holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering from Rutgers University

Advanced Data Security Features for Azure SQL- Part 2: Vulnerability Assessment

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In my last blog post, we took a look at the Data Discovery & Classification features within the Advanced Data Security (ADS) offering for Azure SQL. In this blog post, we will take a deep dive into the Vulnerability assessment. The SQL Vulnerability assessment provides administrators with a streamlined approach to identify and even remediate […]

Advanced Data Security Features for Azure SQL- Part 1: Data Discovery & Classification

Azure SQL provides DBA’s with an easy and efficient means of standing up relational database services for their cloud and enterprise applications. As with any database platform, security remains a top concern and has not been overlooked by Microsoft with the variety of security features available in Azure SQL, including those offered through the Advanced […]

What is the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)?

The EU GDPR took the world by storm, upping the compliance ‘ante’, causing other countries to follow suit in protecting consumer privacy. While the United States hasn’t implemented any federal regulation of this sort, many states have begun to implement their own regulations at the state level. For California, the clock has already begun ticking […]

What is the NYDFS Cybersecurity Regulation?

The New York Department of Financial Services released the NYDFS Cybersecurity Regulation (23 NYCRR 500) in 2017, a set of regulations that place cybersecurity requirements on all DFS regulated entities. This regulation was put into effect at a time where cybersecurity threats are growing, with players coming from nation-states such as Russia, to independent criminal […]

NetApp File Activity Monitoring

Note: This blog is the third in a 4 part series, followed by a webinar to review all the challenges with File System access auditing. Sign up now for the webinar “Challenges with Relying on Native File System Logging“. Register now. In our last post, we walked through configuring file access auditing on a Windows File […]

Challenges with Native File System Access Auditing

Note: This blog is the first in a 4 part series, followed by a webinar to review all the challenges with File System access auditing. Sign up now for the webinar “Challenges with Relying on Native File System Logging“. Register now. An organization’s ability to efficiently and effectively capture file level access is paramount in […]

5 Critical Events to Audit with Microsoft SQL Server

Data security is more important than ever.  Some of your most important information resides within databases, so devising a sound database security and auditing strategy is a must. CSO published an article earlier this year listing the top 16 security breaches of the century based on how much risk or damage the breach caused. Out […]

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