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Posts by Corin Imai

Home >Corin Imai
Corin Imai is a Director of Marketing for STEATHbits. Corin began her career working on server, application and desktop virtualization, networking, software-as-a-service, and cloud computing technologies before delving into application and data security. In her current capacity at STEALTHbits, she manages the industry-leading StealthAUDIT suite that enterprises around the world depend on to defend their most critical information. Corin can be found on Twitter @corinimai

Top 15 Data Security Sessions at the RSA Conference 2018

With more than 40,000 security professionals converging on the Moscone Center in San Francisco, we will be taking over the City by the Bay for the week of RSA (April 16-20). In this blog post, I just wanted to give some helpful tips from a Bay Area native and also recommend some Data Security sessions […]

2017 Cybersecurity Recap & 2018 Predictions

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As we begin to wrap up 2017 and reflect back on the year, we looked at what the industry has accomplished and in some cases where we have fallen short. In the early part of this year many industry thought leaders were stating that 2017 would again be the year of ransomware. They were all […]

Market Trends: Risk Based Security – Compliance Based Security – Security Through Obscurity

What Security Strategy is Best For Your Organization? There are some great examples of Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) and Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) working together towards protecting their employees, customers, and organization. On the other end of the spectrum, you have CEOs and CISOs that do not work well together. In order to evenly […]

Market Trends: NYCRR 500 Compliance

The New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) new cybersecurity standard, New York Code Rules and Regulations 500 (NYCRR 500), extends past New York state limits to “subsidiaries or affiliates”. This regulation mandates each institution have a cyber security program, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), access controls, asset management, data governance, software development practices, […]

Automate Least Privilege Access with Resource-Based Groups

The success of any Data Access Governance program starts with implementing a resource-based groups provisioning workflow by automating the least privilege access model. StealthAUDIT 8.0 automates the application of least privilege access control across file systems in bulk and at scale. By converting existing access control lists to a resource-based group security model and revoking […]

Market Trends: Preparing Now – EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

At the RSA Conference 2017 in San Francisco, CA we were able to survey more than 300 security professionals. One of the survey questions was, “Is your organization preparing for the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?” 67% of respondents said that their organizations were preparing. Regulatory Compliance Standards Regulatory compliance standards such as PCI-DSS, […]

Top 10 Data Security Sessions at the RSA Conference 2017

It is that time of year again, time to get our bags packed and head to San Francisco for the RSA Conference. This year’s theme is the Power of Opportunity–which is a fitting theme for most security companies as they move toward partnerships that benefit end users. As a cybersecurity company that focuses on credentials […]



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