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Posts by Chris Nieves

Home >Chris Nieves
Chris studied Information Systems at Hofstra University before joining Stealthbits - now part of Netwrix where he took on the role as the Technical Product Manager of SharePoint, Dropbox, and Box solution sets. His focus is primarily on SharePoint security, but data security, in general, is a passion. Aside from technical interests, he enjoys the outdoors and hopes to one day start an animal rescue and rehabilitation center for injured, disabled, and orphaned animals.

What is the Difference Between an O365 E5 and an E3 License with Respect to Security Features?

Microsoft’s licensing can be a little confusing when it comes to figuring out exactly how many E5/E3 licenses you will need to actually leverage the security features associated with a given license. This blog is written with the assumption that you know what features you are interested in buying and/or at have a basic understanding […]

Where do My Files Sent Using Teams Chat Go?

Do you know what happens when you share a file via a Microsoft Team’s – Team Chat? That file is not just saved in the Teams chat but is also uploaded to either SharePoint or OneDrive depending if the chat was directly with another person or with a Team. In this blog, we will cover […]

What is an Access Link in SharePoint Online?

This is what it looks like to create an access link, in this blog I will explain which settings affect what options are available on these link creation pages. SharePoint is all about collaboration and sharing, and in the SharePoint Online cloud, giving access to resources is a bit different than the traditional method of giving a user or group access to something. In […]

How to Use Native SharePoint Online and OneDrive Activity Auditing

If you are a security analyst, engineer, admin, or otherwise responsible for protecting the personal and private data of employees and customers – the following 3 statistics should frighten you.  The frequency of insider threats incidents has increased by 47% in the past two years – the Ponemon Institute   Disgruntled employees rank in the top 5 contributors for insider data breaches […]

How to Harden your SharePoint Online Environment by Disabling Legacy Authentication

Allowing legacy authentication to your SharePoint online tenant unnecessarily exposes it to a number of attacks and exploits that you can easily avoid by simply disabling legacy authentication to your tenant. Microsoft has made it clear that all roads lead to the cloud, and with that Azure Active Directory has become an even more critical […]

How to Identify Phishing Scams and Protect Against Them

| Chris Nieves | Security | Leave a Comment

Phishing scams are a very common technique used by identity thieves to trick you into giving them your sensitive personal or financial information. Thieves will often impersonate actual companies like credit card companies, banks or online resources such as PayPal or Dropbox. It is a challenge to recognize what is real and what isn’t but […]

Key Requirements of the NY SHIELD Act and How to be Compliant

| Chris Nieves | Compliance | Leave a Comment

As more and more attacks are occurring each year with a record 4.1 billion records breached in just the first half of 2019, according to Forbes– data security regulation is becoming more of a priority. Just as we suspected with the signing of the GDPR regulation in the EU, similar regulation has sprung up in […]

How to Protect Office 365 by Classifying Your Data with Microsoft’s AIP Labels

Azure Information Protection labels or AIP labels can be created and applied to documents and emails. These labels can be used to classify content based on what the data is and how sensitive it is. This approach is extremely powerful when properly implemented as it provides security on your data even after it leaves your […]

ProTip: Create PII Retention Policies in O365 to Help Abide with GDPR Guidelines

| Chris Nieves | GDPR | Leave a Comment

Automate the Process of Disposing of Data With GDPR now in effect, organizations are legally required to remove personal data once its purpose for processing has been met. In March of 2019 a Danish Taxi company, Taxa 4×35, was fined $180,000 for failing to properly dispose of its customer’s personally identifiable data (PII). An audit […]

GDPR – One Year Later…

| Chris Nieves | GDPR | Leave a Comment

The penalty for failure to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is up to $22 million or 4% of annual global turnover (whichever is greater). By now most organizations around the globe know that regardless of where they are based, this regulation affects them if they are doing business with EU citizens. Aside from […]

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