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Posts by Brett Fernicola

Home >Brett Fernicola

Lenovo “Superfish” Adware, Frankly I’m not Surprised

Gone are the days of PC manufacturers taking pride in not just the hardware they ship, but the configuration and setup of the Operating System. I remember reading PC Magazine way back when drooling over benchmarks that the new Micron Pentium MMX 200 tower was a split second faster than the Dell Pentium MMX 200. […]

Windows 2012 Server Tech Tip

If you’re like me, you probably leverage Windows Server as your primary desktop OS. Recently, I ran into an issue with 2012R2 that had me scratching my head for a while. The basic issue was no matter what I tried, every time I added the feature Desktop Experience it magically disappeared on reboot. So, let’s […]

VMs and Firewalls

I’m often asked by fellow engineers why they can’t seem to communicate or even ping their newly created VM lab on their personal workstation or laptop. There are few MS caveats that play into the problem and a few easy steps to make everything work. For my demonstration, this BLOG is going to be catering […]

Active Directory Auditing and 3rd Party Backup Software

Having managed Active Directory and built solutions for the management of AD itself for many years, I’ve been asked by countless customers for my take on Active Directory Recovery solutions – Which is the best? What’s the best way to do it? Do you really need a 3rd party tool to do it right? AD […]



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