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NetApp ONTAP v9.3 with Justin Parisi – Insider Threat Podcast #10

Blog >NetApp ONTAP v9.3 with Justin Parisi – Insider Threat Podcast #10
Insider Threat Podcast

In our tenth edition of the Insider Threat Podcast, we were joined by NetApp Senior Technical Marketing Engineer, Justin Parisi. Justin is making the rounds ahead of the NetApp ONTAP version 9.3 release this week. Of course, we wanted to get the conversation focused on insider threats and other security topics. We managed to do just that. It seems ONTAP has a few good security related tricks up its sleeve in version 9.3. We also talked about a common topic for both STEALTHbits and NetApp – ransomware. Ransomware goes after files through the access people who get infected have granted to them. So it’s a perfect blend of our access governance chocolate with their advanced file protection peanut butter.

Where we here at STEALTHbits have been spending a lot of time coming up with new tricks to combat ransomware, NetApp has had a fairly different approach. One of the first tricks NetApp ever learned was the snapshot. There have always been three moves against ransomware. Avoid it completely (good luck), pay up, or hope you have a good back up. The snapshot is a super charged version of the third option. It’s a read only copy of the data you can make lightning fast and orders of magnitude more often than your backups. It literally can’t be written to at the OS layer so the ransomware is out of luck getting to it. In a world where many cybercriminals are now faking ransomware and you can’t rely on paying to help you like you used to, prevention and these advanced backup strategies are your best bets.

Justin ran through a whole goodie bag of new security features in the upcoming ONTAP 9.3 release as well. Everything from multi-factor authentication to federation, new volume level encryption options and snaplock features, and more. We’re going to give you a bunch of links to follow up and learn more. But what was clear is that NetApp is taking insider threats seriously in this latest release, and we’re happy they are.


Click here to listen to the podcast.

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Justin’s blog, Why Is The Internet Broken?: 

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